The story centers around David a man who wanders the country on a mission from God. He has been given the unique ability to literally take another's suffering from them and feel everything they do. From depression, to anxiety, to drug addiction, there is no suffering too much for him to take or is there? David has a secret. He is suffering from the immense weight of guilt from something in his past and there will come a time when he must face him own demons. Within the story is a woman named April. She is a lost soul, a drug addict who has given up, her encounter with David will not only change her life but his as well.
As a Christian myself I really felt this book. There are several chapters with bible verses, I found myself taking notes on the ones I'd like to read more in-depth. The idea that someone has such strong empathy that they could literally take on someone's pain is intense and interesting to say the least. One of my favorite quotes is " How do I believe it? I don't know. I guess at some point I recognized it as truth, somewhere deep inside me and have never lost that." This is exactly how I have felt. I was not raised in the church, and I cannot describe why I believe in God, I just do. This is a story about forgiveness, redemption and faith. A story you will not want to put down.
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