This story revolved around a guy named Ike Krane. Ike has come to Redemption, from Sleepy Hollow, to continue research on his book about haunted houses across America. He wants to tour what has been named the most haunted house in Redemption, Charlie's house. She of course, says no but is intrigued by Ike as he believes he's being haunted by the Headless Horseman. Every town he's visited has had weird goings on. Someone has been leaving pumpkins on porches and people say they've been hearing the sounds of a horse galloping through the streets but when they look, no one is there. The plot thickens when Ike goes missing and a man looking for him ends up dead. Throw in Ike's girlfriend showing up and Charlie definitely has her hands full.
I really love this series. The Charlie Kingsley series is one that I am never bored with. In fact, the whole Redemption series is just fantastic. The writing is very well done, the characters continue to evolve and grow and of course the setting is wonderfully described so you feel like you're there. I received this book free from Booksirens for an honest review.
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