The story takes place over the course of one night. Set in an apartment in Tokyo, Aki and Hiro, are at the end of a broken relationship. The year before they had gone on a guided mountain hiking trek where the guide fell to his death. Now each of them is suspicious that the other one might have actually murdered the guide. But for what reason and what really happened on that fateful day?
During the course of the night, Aki and Hiro start discussing the events of that day and once they begin, startling revelations of their past and the death of the guide come out leaving you in suspense and amazement. I really liked this story. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. Even though it only takes place over one night and in one place, there is a lot to unpack, and you will not be bored while reading this. I received this book free from Bitter Lemon Press for an honest review.
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