Anyone who knows me, knows that I love a good true crime story. From books to tv, I will watch or read just about anything when it comes to true crime. Unfortunately, this book just fell flat for me.
The book focuses on two missing kids, seven-year-old, J.J. Vallow and his sister, sixteen-year-old Tylee Ryan. Lori Vallow is elusive as to where the kids are and after obtaining a search warrant, she disappears. Where are the kids? There is a larger mystery going on here and her life will begin to unravel as the police close in.
I felt the book was too much information on the origins and goings on when it comes to the LDS church. I could really feel that the author thinks the LDS is church in is nothing more than a bunch of backwards, religious nuts that have weird ideas. Now, I am not in the LDS church, but I am a Christian and although some of their beliefs are a tad out there, there are some things I agree with like not relying on the government to give you handouts and that income tax should be abolished.
I didn't actually finish the book, which isn't typical, but I felt the book was just droning on about too much that had very little to do with the actual true crime part of the story. I would have rather the author just focused on Lori and her role in the disappearances of her kids, with small mentions of her religious beliefs. Yes, I am aware that the reason for her kids missing does have something to do with her religious beliefs, I just feel there was a better way to convey why this happened.
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